ENCL (1) COMDTINST 5230.58
U.S. Coast Guard IT Management Srategy
Version 1.0
June 1998
Ensure all IT systems have an approved performance management plan.
Establish and implement a formal IT system review process.
Objective 6.2 - Ensure that Coast Guard IT products and services meet customer service
Initiatives: Develop critical success factors for IT projects.
Develop customer service standards and measures.
Develop a process to obtain and measure customer feedback.
Objective 6.3 - Determine the value of Coast Guard IT resources and make the most
appropriate IT investments.
Initiatives: Consider Life Cycle Cost (LCC) and Total Cost of Ownership (TCO) for
all IT investment decisions.
Develop standardized methodology to measure Return on Investment (ROI)
and require its use.
Develop/select an activity-based costing methodology to determine the
value of IT assets.
Ensure all IT projects are documented and that the life-cycle of information
is addressed.
Objective 6.4 - Measure progress of IT strategy implementation toward IT vision
Initiatives: Develop measures against the IT management vision.
Annually review progress made toward meeting IT vision and present to
senior management using a "dashboard gauge" approach.
V. Strategy Deployment and Implementation
The IT Management Strategy provides all Coast Guard employees access to the strategic
direction for IT management in the Coast Guard. This document complements the Coast Guard's
"Family of Plans" and provides overall direction for managing Coast Guard IT resources. The
implementation of this strategy requires commitment from the entire Coast Guard to work
together to achieve the stated IT management vision.
The CIO, in partnership with the Resource Director and the Chief Financial Officer, will
direct the Coast Guard's funding decisions to ensure maximum IT resource allocations. The CIO
has the responsibility for ensuring that Clinger-Cohen Act mandates are executed both in the
spirit and intent of the law. This IT Management Strategy provides guidance to achieve Clinger-
Cohen Act mandates and provides a road map for pursuing IT improvements well into the future.
In addition, this strategy provides IT direction to Assistant Commandants as they develop their
business plans, define their program IT requirements, and assist the CIO in meeting Clinger-
Cohen Act mandates.