ENCL (1) COMDTINST 5230.58
U.S. Coast Guard IT Management Srategy
Version 1.0
June 1998
ensure that IT systems have a common look and feel agency-
wide and are adaptive to unique user needs.
ensure that employees once properly trained to do their jobs
require minimal, if any, further IT training to operate the
systems they use to perform their functions.
Objective 5.1 - Ensure the human/systems interface is a major design Consideration.
Develop human/systems interface standards and
include in
all system
development initiatives.
Objective 5.2 - Equip all employees with a basic, standardized IT skill set.
Initiatives: Educate employees about Coast Guard IT at all accession points.
Familiarize Coast Guard managers and supervisors on effective use of IT
and IT doctrine, policy, and procedures.
Incorporate IT skill requirements in military requirements exams/position
Provide IT continuing education.
Partner with CG Academy to ensure IT competencies are included in core
Objective 5.3 - Take advantage of IT to improve workforce performance.
Initiatives: Explore computer based training technologies.
Implement distance learning technologies such as computer based training,
teleconferenced lectures, and correspondence courses.
Provide tools for telecommuting.
Ensure all employees have adequate training on all automated systems
required to perform their jobs.
STRATEGY 6 - Implement information technology performance measures.
The GPRA, Clinger-Cohen Act, and Chief Financial Officers Act highlighted the need and
importance of measuring IT investments. Technology is changing very rapidly and must be
thoughtfully inserted into the organization in an efficient and effective manner. Measuring the
contribution of IT to mission performance is critical, especially in the constrained federal budget
climate. The goals of this strategy are to:
ensure that IT investments are linked to program outcomes or support business plans.
ensure that IT life-cycle costs are accurately determined.
ensure meaningful IT measures are developed.
ensure that good resource stewardship is recognized and rewarded.
Objective 6.1 - Develop IT performance measures that support productivity growth and
organizational performance.
Initiatives: Partner with G-CRC to incorporate IT measures into Coast Guard
Performance Goals.