ENCL (1) COMDTINST 5230.58
U.S. Coast Guard IT Management Srategy
Version 1.0
June 1998
collaborative IT management vision for the Coast Guard. To assist the CIO in implementing this
strategy into the future, this group, chartered as the Coast Guard's IT Management Board, will be
Management Board will annually review and revise the IT Management Strategy as necessary to
ensure that it accurately reflects the current strategic IT direction for the Coast Guard.
III. Information Technology Management Vision
The Coast Guard information technology vision articulates the future state of IT, which
supports the Coast Guard's performance and management goals into the 21st century. Progress in
achieving the vision is then a measure of the progress in developing solutions that support Coast
Guard performance goals.
The Coast Guard, as the world's premier maritime service,
delivers the right information to the right people at the
right time to support all Coast Guard missions.
Achieving the desired state described by this vision will require changes in the way jobs are
currently performed and will take collaborative efforts to fully exploit information technology. It
will necessitate partnerships throughout the Coast Guard to focus on developing and implementing
interoperable capabilities and systems that seamlessly integrate all operational and support
activities. The vision, as stated, will be achieved when the following future state elements are
Future State Vision Elements
Coast Guard Information is timely, available and accessible for users inside and outside the
Coast Guard information technology, as a catalyst for business
process improvement, drives significant operational efficiencies
and effectiveness.
Coast Guard information technology fosters responsible stewardship:
the wise utilization of the resources (people, platforms,
information, funding) provided to accomplish our missions.
Coast Guard information technology architecture provides a
transparent human/system interface.
Coast Guard information technology infrastructure is secure and
The workforce values Coast Guard information technology as a means
of improving productivity and job satisfaction.