Our Measurement Philosophy forms the foundation for all measurement efforts
and can be found in enclosure (2).
Measurement Categories. There are four measurement categories.
Process Improvement.
Mission Performance.
Vision and Strategic Agenda.
TQM Implementation.
Process Improvement. The first and largest category addresses efforts across the entire
Coast Guard to improve processes. All personnel should be involved in improving their
processes. The Quality Council has established the following strategic goal for our quality
efforts in the Coast Guard:
We will deliver high quality service to the American Public by all Coast Guard people
continuously improving our processes to meet the ever changing needs of our customers.
This goal can be attained only through the achievement of measurable results.
Mission Performance. In the measurement framework, customer requirements drive
process measures which feed into the measures of business objectives. These
foundation measures form the basis of mission performance measures. Overall
mission performance measures for the Coast Guard are the responsibility of
Commandant (G-CCS). Unit commanders throughout the chain of command are
responsible for identifying and establishing mission performance measures that will
allow prioritizing of process improvement plans.
Vision and Strategic Agenda. Commandant (G-CX) is responsible for establishing
measures for the Commandant's Vision and Strategic Agenda. Commandant (G-CX)
will monitor these measures in order to determine how well the Coast Guard is
progressing toward its goals. Unit commanders throughout the chain of command
are responsible for measuring their progress toward achieving their unit strategic