Commandant (G-CI):
(1) Notifies Commandant (G-CFM-3) in writing when a FFG is interested in obtaining a
specific cutter scheduled for decommissioning or small boat scheduled for removal
from service.
(2) Designates a member to the Decommissioning Coordination Committee.
(3) Completes assigned action items listed in enclosure(s) (1) and (2).
Commandant (G-CPA): Designates a member to the Decommissioning Coordination
Commandant (G-OCS):
(1) Ensures that reference (c) the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and the
National Historic Preservation Act (NHPA) requirements are fulfilled prior to a boat
being removed from service.
(2) Provides all funding costs associated with the boat retirement and lay-up process,
including the cost of removing and shipping electronic equipment to the CG Yard and
NEPA/NHPA work. For a boat placed in storage pending disposition, the
Commandant (G-OCS) facility manager will provide funding for storage preparation
and storage for the fiscal year in which the boat is retired from service.
(3) Designates a member to the Decommissioning Coordination Committee.
(4) Sends small boat screening message for screening of boat(s) to identify a requirement
for the boat else where within the Coast Guard.
(5) Requests a hazardous material (HAZMAT) survey of boat by Coast Guard Yard
Health and Safety staff, if unable to document that the class of boat is PCB free.
(6) Completes assigned action items listed in enclosure (2).
Commandant (G-OCU):
(1) Ensures that the NEPA and NHPA requirements are fulfilled prior to a cutter being
decommissioned in accordance with reference (c).
(2) Provides all funding costs associated with the cutter decommissioning process,
including the cost of removing and shipping electronic equipment to the Coast Guard
Yard. For a cutter placed in storage pending disposition, the Commandant (G-OCU)
facility manager will provide funding for storage preparation and storage for the fiscal
year in which the cutter is decommissioned and NEPA/NHPA work.