Enclosure (1) to COMDINST 4000.4A
Less time spent gathering data and more time resolving inventory problems;
Less time spent processing issues and receipts; and
Less time stocking incoming material.
When it is decided to implement bar code technolgy, AIT symbology is mandatory for all
logistics applications.
Commandant (G-ELM) will fund bar code requirements, with hardware and software
acquisitions taking place during FY96.
submitting their requirements including a cost benefit analysis (paragraphs 2.a and 2.b above
provide sample cost benefit analysis elements) to Commandant (G-ELM), via normal chain of
command, for approval.
Commandant (G-ELM) will review unit bar code requirements and analyses. New bar code
efforts will be compared with other initiatives to prevent duplication, promote standardization
and achieve the greatest overall benefits for the CG.
After Commandant (G-SLM) reviews all new initiatives, a response will be forwarded to the
submitter. This coordination process shall stimulate shared research, interchange of data,
compatible scheduling, development of standards and adoption of common solutions to
common problems.
Commandant (G-ELM) will monitor progress; fostering, guiding and facilitating
implementation; and providing for coordination and participation with other units on areas of
common interest.