NOV 6 1995
DISCUSSION. This section provides direction on usage and implementation of standardized
bar code symbology for all logistics applications.
Purpose and Application.
The Standard DOD Bar Code Symbology, MIL-STD-1189 (series), requires the
use of 3-of-9 bar code and is established as the standard for the automated marking
and reading of items of supply, equipment, property, materiel, unit and
intermediate packs, outer containers and selected documents in logistics
operations. An intermediate pack is defined as a number of packages that, by
themselves, can be shipped separately but are shipped together in an overpack
container (i.e., crate).
All bar code marking and reading must be accomplished In Accordance With
(IAW) MIL-STD-1189. This standard shall be applied IAW the Standard for
Marking for Shipment and Storage, MIL-STD-129 (series). MIL-STD-129
provides requirements for uniform marking of military supplies and equipment for
shipment and storage. It sets forth standard methods for applying labels to
materiel, intermediate and exterior packs and further defines label data (e.g.,
Contract number, National Stock Number). It accommodates the requirements for
movement processing as specified in the Military Standard Requisitioning and