NOV 6 1995
Utility programs will be used to interface with shipboard and ashore existing
programs (e.g., SCAMP, Configuration Management Plus (CMPlus), Aviation
Maintenance Management Information System (AMMIS)). Policy regarding
software acquisition and development for implementing AIT applications is also
published in reference (a).
The implementation of specific hardware and software standards for bar code
application and support of the Coast Guard's Logistics Management program is subject
to approval by Commandant (G-TTC). All commands and Headquarters units
implementing bar code functionality shall use AIT technology. This includes both
existing and planned systems which require an interface with CG or DOD
service/agency systems. Enclosure (1) is a preliminary planning guide for determining
bar code applicability.
CG units will account for bar code hardware (e.g., Portable Data Collection Device,
Type I Bar Code Label Printer) and software in their Unit Financial System Property
Database, IAW the Property Management Manual (COMDTINST M4500.5 (series)).
Although issued to individual units for use and accountability, bar code assets will
remain under the control of Commandant (G-ELM). Assets will not be transferred or
disposed of without prior approval from the Information Resources Management
Branch, Commandant (G-ELM-4), (202) 267-0859. All bar code policy and procedural
questions should be referred to the Policy Branch, Commandant (G-ELM-2), (202) 267-
Commandant (G-ELM) shall:
Establish bar code policy for logistics applications in the CG. Consider and decide
on any proposed waivers from the established standards;
Act as functional manager for all bar code technology logistics applications;
Fund all logistics bar code requirements including software, hardware, system
implementation through the formal budget cycle for existing applications (i.e.,
Monitor the overall planning, implementation, and operation of the CG bar code
program for logistics; and