Enclosure (1) to COMDTINST 4000.4A
AIT technology should be considered for all logistics applications that could significantly
benefit from the use of bar code equipment to enhance readiness, responsiveness, productivity
and the quality of logistics operations. After the decision to use bar code equipment has been
made and prior to implementation, units will submit a 12-step AIS proposal to Commandant
(G-ELM) for review and approval.
When making a proposal to implement bar code technology, the cost of bar code technology
should be weighed against the current costs of performing the operation. The decision to use
bar codes and readers can usually be justified based on the time savings alone. Benefits are
both direct and indirect in terms of cost savings.
Typical direct cost savings result from reduced time in:
Identifying or locating items to be inventorled or issued;
Collecting and recording specific data about the item;
Correcting errors;
Updating inventory for missing and disposed of items;
Posting, filing and reporting the results;
Matching inventory records with the results of physical inventory; and
Processing issues and receipts.
Estimated dollar savings are derived from staff-hour savings using automated processes
to replace manual procedures. Other indirect benefits come from access to the inventory
data base, better quality data, more timely information and improved accuracy. These
tend to be non- quantifiable savings. For example:
Easy to maintain and retrieve historical information about inventory;
Improved internal controls in data gathering (audit trails of updates and revisions
to permanent inventory files);
Edits on entered transactions and rejection of invalid data;