Dec 17, 81
1342.12 (Encl 3)
c. A statement of specific special educational and recreational activities and related
services to be provided to the child, and the extent to which the child may be able to participate in
regular educational programs.
d. The projected date for the initiation and the anticipated length of such activities and
e. Appropriate objective criteria and evaluation procedures and schedules for
determining, on an annual basis, whether educational objectives are being achieved.
f. A statement indicating the frequency (number of times per month) and intensity
(amount of time each day) of related services.
3. The IEP of each handicapped child shall provide for the opportunity to participate, with
adaptations when appropriate, in the regular physical education program available to
nonhandicapped children unless:
a. The handicapped child is enrolled full-time in a separate facility; or
b. The handicapped child needs specially designed physical education, as prescribed in
the child's IEP.
4. If specially designed physical education services are prescribed in a handicapped child's
IEP, DoDDS shall provide such education directly, or shall make arrangements for the services to
be provided through non-DoDDS schools or facilities.
5. DoDDS shall ensure that a handicapped child enrolled in a separate facility receives
appropriate physical education services in compliance with this Instruction.
6. The IEP for each handicapped child shall be developed, later reviewed, and, if
appropriate, revised at least annually in meetings that include the following participants:
a. The child's regular teacher.
b. A teacher of special education.
c. The principal or a representative of the DoDDS school, other than the child's teacher,
who is qualified to provide, or supervise the provision of, special education.
d. One or both of the child's parents.