5. A school CSC consists of the participants in the child's IEP meeting as prescribed in
subsection C.6, below. In addition, a school CSC shall contain the DoDDS school principal, or
designee, and one or more persons selected by the principal from any or all of the following groups:
a. DoDDS or Military Department resource educators, including psychologists,
guidance counselors, social workers, reading improvement specialists, second health personnel,
occupational therapists, physical therapists, and speech therapists.
b. DoDDS regular classroom teachers.
c. DoDDS special education personnel.
6. Members of a regional CSC shall be appointed by the DoDDS Regional Director and
shall include one or more persons belonging to either or both of the following groups: DoDDS or
Military Department resource educators, such as psychologists, guidance counselors, social
workers, reading improvement specialists, school health personnel, occupational therapists,
physical therapists, and speech therapists; and DoDDS special education personnel. The regional
CSC shall act in the absence of a school CSC, and members of a regional CSC may be assigned to
a school CSC.
7. A school or regional CSC shall assist in identifying handicapped children.
1. Any child who is receiving or entitled to receive educational instruction from DoDDS
and who is referred to a CSC for a possible handicapping condition shall receive a full and
comprehensive diagnostic evaluation of his or her educational needs. An evaluation in accordance
with this Instruction shall be administered before any action is taken regarding development of the
IEP or placement in a special education program.
2. A CSC shall:
a. Assess the nature and extent of the handicapping condition and determine if special
education and related services are required.
b. Ensure appropriate involvement of parents.
c. Develop, review, and revise IEPs, and monitor their implementation.