Dec 17, 81
1342.12 (encl 3)
1. DoDDS shall locate, identify, and, with the consent of the child's parent, evaluate all
children who are receiving or are entitled to receive an education from DoDDS and who need
special education and related services because they are handicapped, as defined in this Instruction.
2. DoDDS shall:
a. Provide screening, by using basic skills tests in reading, language arts, and
mathematics, and by reviewing records of all children entering DoDDS schools for the first time, to
determine whether a child may be in need of special education and related services.
b. Analyze school health data for those children who demonstrate possible
handicapping conditions. Such data shall include:
(1) Results of formal hearing, vision, speech, and language tests.
(2) Reports from physicians and public health service personnel.
(3) Reports from other appropriate professional health personnel as may be
necessary to aid in identifying possible handicapping conditions.
c. Analyze other pertinent information, including suspensions, exclusions, withdrawals,
and disciplinary actions, compiled and maintained by schools that may aid in identifying possible
handicapping conditions.
d. Provide direction and guidelines for child-find activities.
3. Each DoDDS regional office, in cooperation with the Military Departments, shall
conduct ongoing child-find activities that are designed to identify all children with possible
handicapping conditions who are or will be entitled to receive an education from DoDS.
4. If an element of DoDDS, a qualified professional authorized to provide related services,
or another source determines that a child has a possible handicapping condition, the child shall be
referred to the appropriate CSC.