April 3, 1997
Advocacy Program administrative finding. The rebuttal and appeal process is not and shall
not be used as a rebuttal and appeal of the findings of criminal or Child Protective Service
Commandant (G-WPW) shall:
Initiate and develop policy, procedures, instructions, revision and guidance on
family advocacy and special needs case management;
Provide direct technical oversight to FPA's and DRC's on family advocacy and
special needs case management;
Provide technical guidance, support and recommendations to Work-Life
Exercise final authority and approval over family advocacy and special needs
case decisions when disagreements arise within the reviewing and approval
chain of command;
Coordinate and provide support, assistance and guidance to Coast Guard
personnel for all family advocacy and special needs cases;
Review and assess documentation on all family advocacy and special needs
cases provided by FPA's and DRC's to ensure appropriate education, prevention,
intervention, and case decisions and judgments have occurred, guidance and
support have been provided and case recommendations have been made
whenever necessary;
Maintain a Central Registry on all family advocacy and special needs cases to
identify high-risk groups, review, track, coordinate transfers and provide
accurate monthly and statistical reports;
Assign all case numbers to substantiated family advocacy cases; statistical
Conduct regular Quality Assurance Reviews of the Family Advocacy and
Special Needs Programs administration and provide a report in writing of the
findings to the respective ISC Commanding Officer, using enclosure (7);
(10) Establish and maintain a Commandant Case Review Committee for appeals per
reference (a), death reviews, any other substantiated family advocacy cases, and
special needs cases as circumstances warrant;
(11) Provide family advocacy and special needs training to FPA's, DRC's, and Work-
Life Supervisors at least once per year;