Enclosure (5) to COMDINST 1750.4D
1. The command shall give a copy of COMDTINST 1750.4D to any applicant not already
familiar with the program.
2. In selecting an ombudsman for your command you will want to focus on experiences and
attitudes that will help the applicant do an effective job for you. These questions will help in
a. Why do you want to serve as ombudsman at this command? Does your family support
your desire to do so?
b. Tell me about your experiences helping others locate resources as a volunteer,
employee, neighbor, or friend.
c. When you move, how do you locate new resources? How would you start locating
resources for families here?
d. What does it mean to be an active listener? When have you been called on to be one?
e. [For persons who have been an Ombudsman before:] What kind of experience was it?
What was the most positive thing(s) that happened? What was most disappointing?
f. What are the best and worst things about being a part of the Coast Guard?
3. Present these scenarios to each applicant and ask each how they think they would respond.
a. Ms. Smith says she has a doctor's appointment next Wednesday afternoon and needs
you to get a babysitter for her children. How do you respond?
b. A spouse calls indicating the active duty member is away for an extended period, he
has no money, bills are due, the food supply is running low. What kind of resources can
you direct him to?
4. These are suggested questions for you, the command, to answer yourself about the applicants
a. Does the person have a positive outlook about things, the Coast Guard in particular?
b. Is the person able to communicate ideas clearly?
c. After speaking with references, does it seem the person respects others' confidentiality?
d. Does the person have the time and energy to devote to the job or the person already
spread very thin?
e. Does the applicant seem mature, patient, flexible, and stable?