Enclosure (2) to COMDTINST 16798.2
Cockpit Attitude Instruments - Instruct the trainee on the basics of the "instrument scan" using
the attitude instruments in the cockpit. Teach the trainee to interpret attitude instrument indications
while in-flight. Once the trainee is comfortable interpreting the attitude instruments, put the trainee
under the hood, put the aircraft in a certain flight condition such as a standard rate turn, climb, or
descent and ask the trainee to interpret the flight attitude of the aircraft.
Cockpit Responsibilities - Teach tasks that you wish the trainee to perform. These tasks include
but are not limited to navigation, tuning radio frequencies, monitoring engine and fuel status,
altitude, heading, etc. Remember the aircrewman is there to help. Teach the trainee as much as
possible about what goes on in the cockpit. The more they know, the more they can help when
called upon to do so.
Mission Brief - Brief the trainee on the mission purpose and length, ensure that the trainee
understands the limitations associated with the mission.
Weather Briefings - Give instruction on how to obtain a pilots weather briefing and on how to
DUATS and other computerized weather briefing systems if available.
Flight Planning - Prepare a flight plan with the trainee and explain the procedure. Ensure that you
cover the flight path, airports used, landmarks in route and hazards to navigation, such as towers,
Military Operating Areas (MOA's) and Restricted/Warning Areas. Address Air Defense
Identification Zone (ADIZ) airspace if your route will enter them and the proper method for doing
so. Explain which aircraft navigation system you intend to use and why. Demonstrate how to file a
flight plan with the FAA and explain how to close the flight plan at the completion of your mission.
Air Crew Flight Mission 4 - Flight Mission 4 is designed to be a cross-country flight where the
Air Crew trainee is required to plan the flight and assist the PIC during flight. The Air Crew trainee
will demonstrate proper pre-flight, in-flight, and post-flight duties required to execute a successful
cross-country flight. Mission 4 should be the last flight in the syllabus. Do not conduct the flight
until the Air Crew trainee demonstrates competency in all syllabus areas. If extra training is
needed use the supplemental flights before flight Mission 4 so the Air Crew trainee may gain the
needed competency in all syllabus areas.