Enclosure (2) to COMDTINST 16798.2
Demonstrate navigation skills using pilotage, Deduced (DED) reckoning, and radio navaids.
Demonstrate understanding and practical application of all major airspace types.
Demonstrate in-flight knowledge and use of Sectional and Low Altitude en-route charts.
Demonstrate in-flight knowledge and use of approach plates. (Back up pilot on ILS, VOR and
NDB approaches)
Demonstrate in-flight gathering of weather information.
Demonstrate proficiency in determining aircraft flight attitude by reference to the cockpit attitude
instruments while wearing a view limiting device such as a hood or foggles.
Demonstrate proficiency in understanding aircraft systems, normal and emergency procedures
applicable to the aircraft being trained in.
*The instructor pilot should closely monitor the above tasks assigned to the trainee and offer
assistance when appropriate.