Enclosure (2) to COMDTINST 16798.2
and navigation radios, transponder, etc., the trainee must satisfactorily demonstrate the ability to
effectively operate that equipment.
Audio Panel - Obviously this is an important part of the aircraft radio suite. Teach the trainee the
basics of how to operate the audio panel. Teach the trainee all the various options available on your
audio panel such as how you can monitor both radios at the same time, etc. Teach all the selection
modes of the Audio Panel for the communication radios and electronic navigation devices
installed in the aircraft. If your audio panel contains a marker beacon system, teach the trainee how
to operate and test the Marker Beacon system. Teach them what the blue, yellow, and white lights
on the Marker Beacon mean and also the aural sounds that go along with the lights. We recognize
in the micro sense, all audio panels are different in operating characteristics, but in the macro sense
they all share the same operating concepts. Teach the audio panel present in your aircraft knowing
knowledge gained on one audio panel will transfer to another one.
Aircraft Intercom - As with audio panels, there are many different types of aircraft intercoms
available on the market. Teach the operating modes of your intercom to the trainee. The aircraft
intercom concepts will transfer to other intercoms installed in other aircraft.
Radios/Electronic Navigation Equipment -
Again, there are many different communications
radios (Nav/Coms) on the market with newer more capable units coming out every year. The
trainee needs to have a basic idea of what the communication radios and electronic navigational
aids are and do. Provide training on the communication/electronic navigation (Navaid) suite
installed in your aircraft. Concentrate your training on how to properly operate the Radio/Navaid
suite by paying attention to items such as on-off controls, squelch controls, volume controls, Very
High Frequency Omni Range (VOR) Navaid identification, Non-Directional Beacon (NDB)
Navaid identification, and frequency spacing, i.e. how to select 50 and 25 Mhz spacing. Provide
training in any other features of your radio/navaid suite not listed here.
Transponder - Provide the trainee with basic operational knowledge of the transponder to include:
use of the Standby mode, how to squawk with altitude function selected, when to use the "Ident"
feature, different squawk codes such as 1200, 7600, and 7700, and when and where a transponder is
required to be used.