Enclosure (2) to COMDTINST 16798.2
Approach Plates - Provide training in the practical use of Instrument Approach Plates. Either
Jeppesen or NOS approach plates can be used for training. The training will include how to
interpret the planview, profile, and legend portions of the approach plate. The training should be of
sufficient depth so the trainee can successfully back-up the pilot during an instrument approach in
actual or simulated Instrument Meteorological Conditions (IMC) conditions. Approach training
should be conducted in Visual Meteorological Conditions (VMC) conditions.
Demonstrate ability to back-up pilot - The training the aircrew candidate received on sectional
charts, low altitude enroute charts, and approach plates should be of sufficient depth so the aircrew
designee can back-up the pilot in all phases of flight in regards to heading, altitude, and
communications frequencies during takeoff, enroute, and terminal phases of flight.
METAR, TAF, WINDS ALOFT (FD) - Provide training to the trainee in the use of METARs,
TAFs, and Winds Aloft forecasts. The training should be detailed enough so the trainee will be
able to decode a weather report and understand a go/no-go weather decision made by the Pilot-In-
NOTICE TO AIRMEN (NOTAMS) - Provide the trainee with the information necessary to
understand the concept of NOTAMs. Train the trainee on the different types of NOTAMs and how
to decode them.
Automatic Terminal Information Service (ATIS), Automated Weather Observation Service
(AWOS), Automated Surface Observation Service (ASOS), Automated Flight Service Station
(AFSS), and Direct User's Access Terminal (DUAT) - Instruct the trainee in what each weather
source can report and where they can be found and to correctly interpret the weather being reported
by these services.
Check List - Explain the purpose and use of the checklist. Ensure that the trainee understands how
to use the checklist and the importance of using the check list for flight safety. Teach the trainee
the "challenge and reply" method of checklist use.
Preflight - Instruct the trainee in how to assist you in performing the aircraft preflight. . Have the
trainee walk through the preflight with you and explain what items are checked and why you check