Encl (2) to COMDTINST 16471.3
Area Contingency Plan Sample Format
Approval Letter
Letter of Transmittal
Record of Changes
Table of Contents
1000 - Introduction
1100 - Introduction/Authority
(Note- This section should also describe jurisdiction and list adjacent
areas/country borders and POC's for any transboundary issues)
1300 - Area
- Purpose
- Organization
- Charter Members
1400 - National Response System
14XX - National Response Structure
14XX - RRT Structure
14XX - Area Response Structure
14XX.X - Federal/State Role in Incident Response
14XX - Incident Command System
14XX - Area Exercise Mechanism
14XX - Federal Response Plan
14XX - Federal Radiological Response Plan
1500 - State/Local Response System
1600 - National Policy & Doctrine
16XX - Public vs Private Resource Utilization
16XX - Best Response Concept
16XX - Cleanup Assessment Protocol (How Clean is Clean)
16XX - Dispersant Pre-Approval/Monitoring/Decision Protocol
16XX - Insitu Burn Approval/Monitoring/Decision Protocol
16XX - Bioremediation Approval/Monitoring/Decision Protocol
16XX - Fish and Wildlife Acts Compliance (Migratory Bird Act, Marine Mammal Act,
Endangered Species Act, etc.)
16XX - Protection of Historic Properties (National Historic Preservation Act)
16XX - Alternative Response Technology Evaluation System (ARTES)
16XX - Specialized Monitoring of Applied Response Technology (SMART)
1700 - Reserved
1800 - Reserved
1900 - Reserved for Area/District
2000 - Command
2100 - Unified Command
21XX - Command Representatives
22XX.X - Federal Representative
22XX.X - State Representative
22XX.X - Responsible Party (RP) Representative
21XX - Guidance for setting response objectives
2200 - Safety
22XX - Site characterization