Encl (2) to COMDTINST 1647.13
5200 - Support (This section should be user friendly, like a telephone directory, where
information about sources of support during a response can be found quickly. Include:
What the object/service is, POC, phone number, and what they can offer. Hyperlink to
more information such as web pages, etc. in electronic version as appropriate)
52XX - Supply (summarize in/out of area in each)
52XX.X - Oil Response Equipment
52XX.X - Hazardous Substance Response Equipment
52XX - Facilities
52XX.X - Incident Command Post Options
52XX.X - Incident Command Post Needs (rooms, phones, fax, copiers,
tables/chairs, security, radios, etc.)
52XX.X - Berthing
52XX.X - Port/Dock Facilities/Capacities
52XX.X - Staging Areas
52XX.X - Security Providers
52XX.X - Airports/Heliports
52XX.X - Temporary Storage and Disposal Facilities (TSDs)
52XX.X - Maintenance and Fueling Facilities (land/water)
52XX.X - Fish and Wildlife Response Facilities and Resources
52XX - Vessel Support
52XX.X - Boat Ramps/Launching Areas
52XX.X - Vessel/Boat Sources
52XX.X - Maintenance
52XX - Ground Support
52XX.X - Vehicle Sources
52XX.X - Maintenance
5300 - Services
53XX - Food
53XX.X - Catering/Messing Options
53XX - Medical
53XX.X - Medical Facilities
53XX.X - Ambulance/EMS Services