Encl (2) to COMDTINST 16471.3
22XX - Site Safety Plan Development
2300 - Information
23XX - Protocol for Access/Timing of Media Briefings
23XX - Joint Information Center (JIC)
23XX - Media Contacts
2400 - Liaison
24XX - Investigators
24XX - Federa/State/Local Trustees
24XX - Agency Reps
24XX - Stakeholders
24XX.X - Environmental (Sierra Club, Save the Bay, etc.)
24XX.X - Economic (Port operators, tourist hotels, etc.)
24XX.X - Political (local, state, etc.)
2500 - Reserved
2600 - Reserved
2700 - Reserved
2800 - Reserved
2900 - Reserved for Area/District
3000 - Operations
3100 - Operations Section Organization
31XX - Organization Options
3200 - Recovery and Protection (Hyperlink or reference to other sections or documents
where appropriate)
32XX - Protection
32XX.X - Containment and Protection Options
32XX - On-Water Recovery
32XX.X - Recovery Options
32XX.X - Storage (e.g. on board, x-fer to storage tanks, etc.)
32XX - Shoreside Recovery
32XX.X - Shoreline Cleanup Options
32XX.X - Pre-Beach Cleanup
32XX.X - Storage
32XX - Disposal
32XX.X - Waste Management and Temporary Storage Options
32XX.X - Decanting Policy
32XX.X - Sample Waste Management Plan (ref. Permits in Planning)
32XX - Decon
32XX.X - Sample Decon Plan
32XX - Dispersants
32XX.X - Dispersant Options
32XX.X - Dispersant Checklists
32XX.X - Preauthorized Zones
32XX.X - Dispersant Response Plan Worksheet (Spreadsheet provided by HQ)
32XX.X - SMART Protocol (incorporate by reference)
32XX.X - Types of Equipment Required (reference Logistics Support 5300 for
equipment sources)
32XX - ISB
32XX.X - ISB Options
32XX.X - ISB Checklists
32XX.X - Preauthorized Zones
32XX.X - Types of Equipment Required
32XX - Bioremediation
3300 - Emergency Response
33XX - SAR
33XX.X - SAR Area Resources (reference as necessary)
33XX - Salvage/Source Control
33XX.X - Assessment & Survey