Guard district's (i.e., X900) discretionary use. Information identified
and placed under this reserved section shall not contain information
that would appropriately fit under any of the identified mandatory
section headings. This reserved sub-section is set aside to allow
flexibility for area committees and districts to accord special nuances
and unanticipated circumstances.
Regional flexibility: To accommodate the variability of local and
regional circumstances, a degree of flexibility is allowed for within
the plan's numeric architecture. As shown in enclosure (2), below the
hundred level of the ACP's numeric format, area committees have
discretionary influence over how information is exhibited, provided it
is consistent with the section in which it lies.
Plan Revision Schedule: Revisions required by this instruction shall be
completed by the 2005 planning cycle (FY 2005). After 2005, plans will
undergo a triennial plan review cycle as shown in enclosure (3). This cycle
will correspond with the National Preparedness for Response Exercise
Program (PREP) schedule that requires a major exercise of the entire plan
every three years. After a PREP exercise, the lessons learned should be
incorporated into a major update and re-promulgation of the ACP. In
between PREP exercises, the ACP should be reviewed annually for minor
changes, such as points of contact and phone numbers. A change should be
entered for this information; however, a complete re-promulgation is not
required. Training and drills carried out in between these yearly reviews
should identify these changes.
Plan Review, Approval and Distribution: District commanders shall
receive ACPs for formal review through procedures developed by the district
commander and according to the schedule established in this Instruction.
The ACP review process shall verify consistency with applicable statutes in
accordance with 40 CFR 300.210 (c) and relevant programmatic guidance.
Prior to returning a reviewed plan, district (m) is responsible for ensuring
that the NSFCC and the RRT are provided an opportunity to comment. The
NSFCC shall be consulted with to ensure that identified strike force
capabilities and operational procedures are accurate. RRTs should be asked
to examine ACPs focusing attention on interagency coordination, use of
alternate response techniques, and regional asset coordination issues. After
consideration of any timely comments received from the NSFCC or RRT,
district (m) shall either recommend that the district commander return the
plan for implementation, or return it to the area committee, identifying
specific deficiencies along with recommendations for corrective actions. In
addition to distribution among area committee members and other entities
designated by the area committee, a copy of each plan shall be made
available to Commandant (G-MOR), the NSFCC, and the NSF team
providing regional support to that coastal or Great Lake area. Electronic
copies on a compact disc are acceptable. Following review, plans and/or
plan changes shall be distributed by the district according to the ACP's
distribution list.