Enclosure (6 ) to COMDTINST 16004.2
48. Outleasing of historic lighthouse properties as outlined in the Programmatic Memorandum
of Agreement between the Coast Guard, Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, and the
National Conference of State Historic Preservation Officers.
49. Demolition, disposal, or improvements involving buildings or structures when in
accordance with applicable federal, state and local regulations including regulations
applying to removal of asbestos, PCBs, and other hazardous materials.
50. Acquisition, installation and operation of utility (e.g., water, sewer, electrical) and
communications systems, (e.g., data processing cable and similar electronic equipment)
which use existing rights-of-way, easements, distribution systems, and/or facilities.
51. Decisions to close facilities, decommission equipment, and/or temporarily discontinue use
of installations, facilities, or equipment, where the installation, facility, or equipment is not
used to prevent/control negative coastal effects or enviro nmental impacts.
52. Relocation of personnel into existing federally-owned/controlled or commercially- leased
space that does not involve development or a substantial change affecting the supporting
53. Pre-lease exploration activities for oil, gas/geothermal reserves, or other natural resources
(e.g., geophysical surveys).
54. Actions implementing a decision to conduct or carry out a conforming program such as
prescribed burning actions, which are consistent with a conforming land management plan.
55. Operations to carry out maritime safety, maritime law enforcement, search and rescue,
domestic ice breaking, and oil or hazardous substance removal programs.
56. Actions performed as part of Coast Guard operations and Aids to Navigation Program to
carry out statutory authority in the area of establishment of floating and minor fixed aids to
navigation, except electronic sound signals.
57. Promulgation of the following regulations:
a. Regulations establishing, disestablishing, or changing the size of Special Anchorage
Areas or anchorage grounds.
b. Special local regulations issued in conjunction with a regatta or marine parade.
c. Regulations in aid s to navigation, such as those concerning rules of the road,
International Regulations for the Prevention of Collisions a t Sea (COLREGS), bridge -
to-bridge communications, vessel traffic services, and marking of navigation systems.