Enclosure (6 ) to COMDTINST 16004.2
27. New activities conducted at established laboratories and plants, (including contractor-
operated laboratories and plants) where all airborne emissions, waterborne effluent, external
ionizing and non-ionizing radiation levels, outdoor noise, and solid and bulk waste disposal
practices are in compliance with existing applicable federal, state and local laws and
28. Any Bridge Program action which is reviewed or classified as a categorically excluded (CE)
action by another Department of Transportation agency acting as lead agency for such an
29. New construction on heavily developed portions of US Government property, when
construction, use, and operation will comply with regulatory requirements and constraints.
30. Planning, studies, data and information gathering and provisions of technical assistance that
involve no commitment of resources other than manpower and no permanent physical
change to the environment, (e.g., topographic surveys, wetlands mapping, surveys for
evaluating environmental damage, and engineering efforts to support environmental
31. Temporary placement and use of simulated target fields (e.g., inert mines, simulated mines,
or passive hydrophones) in fresh, estuarine, and marine waters for the purpose of military
training exercise or research, development, test and evaluation.
32. Installation and operation of passive scientific measuring devices (e.g., antenna, tide gauges,
weighted hydrophones, salinity measurement devices, oil detection devices. and water
quality measurement devices) where all use will not result in changes in operations tempo
and is consistent with applicable enforceable policies and regulations.
33. Short term increases in air operations up to 50 percent of the typical operation rate, or
increases of 50 operations per day, whichever is less.
34. Decommissioning, disposal, or transfer of vessels, aircraft, vehicles and equipment when
conducted in accordance with applicable regulations, including those regulations applying
to removal of hazardous substances.
35. Non-routine repair, renovation, and donation or other transfer of structures, vessels, aircraft,
vehicles, equipment, landscapes or other contributing elements of facilities which will result
in no significant impact (as defined under the NEPA) to a land use, water use or natural
resources of the coastal zone.
36. Hosting or participating in public events (e.g., hosting air shows, open houses, golf
tournaments, Earth Day events, and athletic events) where no permanent changes to existing
infrastructure (e.g., road systems, parking and sanitation systems) are required to
accommodate all aspects of the event.