Templates provide a framework for designers and developers to place
graphics, text, and navigation buttons in a reusable system. Using a
template enables you to avoid wasting time/money on building the
navigation and presentation system from the ground up. It also enables
a development team to work within the same framework, even though
their individual efforts may be focused on different screens/modules.
Building your template first, or using an existing one, can greatly
Templates as
reduce the time needed to finish your project by driving the
development team towards a more focused development approach. Here
A Time & Money
are a few reasons why:
Text. Writers know how much text they can place on an individual
screen (since the template shows how much area is available)
instead of simply writing out all of the text for a particular topic ---
forcing a developer to chunk it out later on.
Graphics & Media. Graphics designers can appropriately size
images, pictures, and other media to fit the screen area/color scheme
of the template. Again, a time/money saver if done up front.
Navigation. The development team can focus their efforts in
building appropriate content/learning interactions instead of creating
the navigation system as they go.
Uniformity. Reusing templates throughout several programs enables
the student to learn the basic navigation and presentation system once
and then carry forward their knowledge to the next module or program.
A good reusable template enables the student to focus on the content
(the message) and not on the presentation system (the media).