Navigation Buttons/Icons (continued)
Developers are encouraged to use context sensitive balloon help/tool
tips to enable users to identify/define a navigation button's or icon's
Tool Tips
function by placing the mouse cursor over the graphic.
Make your lesson user friendly by including key navigation icons.
User Friendly
Most programs, at a minimum, use exit, help, objective, and index,
on each frame in addition to next (continue) and back as noted in the
following illustration.
Buttons and icons should have the following characteristics:
Self explanatory
Located in the same area each time
Produce the same results each time they are selected
Have logical functions (no "Main Menu" button on the main menu
If an illogical button must be on the screen then gray it out as in
the following illustration
Transitions from one frame or state to the next should be performed
Screen Transitions
quickly and smoothly. The additional time it takes for fancy dissolves
and wipes can become very annoying after only a few frames. If you
choose some special effects, select ones that are fairly quick.
The following illustration shows examples of various navigation
Figure 4