Enclosure (1) to COMDTINST 1520.2
Overhead Management of Defense Contracts includes coverage of both introductory and advanced
overhead management concepts. It provides a sequence of instruction that is appropriate for contracting
overhead process, rate development, final rate determination, pricing applications, cost accounting
standards, cost principles, cost monitoring, contract administration, and ethical principles. This course is
designed for personnel being assigned to program projects in which contractor overhead situations are
present and are important elements of cost.
Precourse Material: Students should review "Indirect Cost" chapter of the Armed Services Pricing
Manual before attending the course.
Prerequisites: One of CON 104, 105 or 106.
Length: 10 Class Days
CON 233
Cost Accounting Standards Workshop
Cost Accounting Standards Workshop provides detailed, hands-on instruction in the various aspects of
Public Law (PL) 100-679 to include the rules and regulations of the Cost Accounting Standards Board,
the Cost Accounting Standards (CAS), and disclosure statements. In a workshop environment, students
solve problems and gain a working familiarity with DoD policy relative to the implementation of CAS
requirements, administration and contract adjustments for new standards, noncompliances and interest
assessments, voluntary changes, and ethics.
Prerequisites: CON 231.
Length: 10 Class Days
CON 234
Contingency Contracting
Contingency Contracting is a course designed to develop the skills necessary to provide direct contracting
support to joint tactical and operational forces participating in the full spectrum of armed conflict and
military operations other than war (MOOTW), both domestic and overseas. The course is hands-on,
skills-based, and extensively uses common automation tools. Practical exercises are used throughout to
reinforce working in a joint, multi-cultural environment. Topics include: identifying and applying laws
and regulations unique to contingency operations; the roles and responsibilities of the Contingency
Contracting Officer in joint military operations; deliberate and crisis action planning to include
contingency contracting kits and support plans; unique financial and appropriations issues; establishing a
contracting office in an austere and/or high threat environment; selecting, justifying and executing the
appropriate contractual instrument to meet common contingency requirements; administration,
termination and close out of contingency contracts to include the role of the Defense Contract
Management Command, Army Logistics Augmentation Program (LOGCAP), and Navy Emergency
Construction Capability (CONCAP). This course is intended for contracting and purchasing career field
non-commissioned officers, officers, and emergency essential civilians of all services who are in
deployable positions. Whenever practical, students should attend the course prior to assuming duties as a
deployable contracting officer or purchasing agent.
Prerequisites: One of CON 101, 102 or 103 or PUR 101.
Recommended: Two years of purchasing or contracting experience is highly recommended.
Length: 9 Class Days