Enclosure (1) to COMDTINST 1520.2
IND 202
Contract Property Management Seminar
The Contract Property Management Seminar is designed for property administrators, industrial property
management specialists, and plant clearance officers at both field level and staff locations. The seminar
builds upon the introductory and intermediate contract property courses. Participants analyze problems,
solutions, policies, and programs that impact on the property administration function. Property
administrators collaborate in developing management and problem-solving strategies, and examine
priorities and goals
within the property administration office. Leadership, communication,
professionalism, ethics, and team building are emphasized. Participants discuss DoD property
management initiatives, new ideas developed in their own organizations, and explore the challenges and
problems faced by property administration offices. Methods of instruction include case studies,
simulations, guided discussions, and group projects. Guest lecturers, teaching interviews, and round-table
discussions expose participants to new ideas and trends.
Prerequisites: IND 201.
Length: 5 Class Days
IRM 101
Basic Information Systems Acquisition
Students in this course explore introductory level concepts in information systems acquisition
management in DoD including: using the Functional Process Improvement Program, identifying
applicable laws and regulations, developing information systems life cycle management and acquisition
strategies, defining information systems Statements of Work and specifications, describing
telecommunications and network requirements, and planning a source selection. The focus of this course
is basic knowledge and comprehension of these fundamental concepts. Note: IRM 101 is a non-resident
course using distance education technology.
Prerequisites: ACQ 101.
Length: Variable
IRM 201
Intermediate Information Systems Acquisition
Intermediate Information Systems Acquisition provides a comprehensive overview of the DoD systems
acquisition, technical and business processes related to information systems. It also presents the
acquisition management integration process that ties the various functional elements of information
systems acquisition together. The course goal is to develop knowledgeable, competent mid-level
managers capable of actively participating in the planning, organizing, directing, and controlling of
Defense information systems acquisition programs.
Prerequisites: IRM 101, ACQ 201.
Length: 14 Class Days