Enclosure (1) to COMDTINST 1520.2
Lecture and discussion cover the key concepts of the SAR and each of its sections, with special
concentration on the SAR cost variance analyses and categorizations supplemented by computer assisted
case studies in a fully automated classroom. Prerequisites: ACQ 201.
Length: 5 Class Days
BFM 210
Selected Acquisition Report (Review)
The three-day Selected Acquisition Report (SAR) is a shortened course designed as a follow-on course
for personnel with some previous SAR experience. It has the same objectives as the five-day course, i.e.,
to enable acquisition personnel to prepare, generate, and review the SAR. The SARs provide a summary
to Congress of the cost, schedule, and performance status of MDAPs. The Consolidated Acquisition
Reporting System (CARS), which is the automated system for MDAP reporting, has been fully integrated
into the course with in-depth, hands-on training exercises. Exercises are supplemented with detailed,
ready references for completing each section of the SAR in accordance with DoD 5000.2-R, "Mandatory
Procedures for Major Defense Acquisition Programs (MDAPs) and Major Automated Information System
(MAIS) Acquisition Programs." Lecture and discussion cover the key concepts of the SAR and each of its
sections, with special concentration on the SAR cost variance analyses and categorizations supplemented
by a limited number of computer assisted case studies in a fully automated classroom.
Prerequisites: BFM 209.
Recommended: This course is appropriate for acquisition personnel with some previous SAR/CARS
experience and training. Acquisition personnel with no previous SAR/CARS experience and SAR
preparers with some SAR/CARS experience, but no formal SAR/CARS training, should take the SAR
basic course, BFM 209.
Length: 3 Class Days
CON 101
Contracting Fundamentals
Contracting Fundamentals is a survey course encompassing the entire contracting process from receipt of
a purchase request through contract completion and contract closeout. The course is designed for students
who are new to the contracting workforce, either entry-level or crossovers from other career fields.
Students are introduced to the organization and utilization of the Federal Acquisition Regulation (FAR)
and the DoD Supplement to the FAR (DFARS), as well as ethics and basic contract law. Application of
the information is reinforced through a series of practical exercises that include preparing a solicitation,
conducting a bid opening, conducting negotiations, writing a Price Negotiation Memorandum, and post
award problems based on a contract in force.
Prerequisites: None.
Length: 20 Class Days
CON 102