relating to spousal/dependent employment.
Personal Demographic Information: This includes an officer's gender, race, ethnicity, religion
and age.
Pay & Service Length Information: This includes data related to entitlements, length of active
service (such as active duty base date or pay base date) and time remaining in the service (such
as mandatory retirement dates, active duty termination dates, and expected loss dates). This
does not include pending voluntary separation requests.
Award Data: This includes data as to the type of award, date it was awarded, the awarding
authority and specific details contained within a citation.
Assignment History: This includes the units at which the officer has served, the dates of
service and the positions in which the officer served.
Sensitive Assignment Data: This includes rotation date, e-resume contents for assignment
purposes (not for applying to programs) and participation in the special needs program.
Medical Data: This includes readiness data such as dates of recent medical/dental exams,
medical duty status, health care treatment history, and medical waivers. This does not include
weight data and non-privileged information.
Weight Data: This includes weight, body fat and associated measurements for determining
compliance with the Commandant's Weight Standards.
Security Clearance Data: This includes the level of security clearance, date of various
clearance levels and information provided to obtain a clearance.
Separation Data: Includes information on previous separations from the Service and approved
voluntary separation orders.
m. Performance Data: Data related to an officer's performance, currently captured in Officer
Evaluation Reports (OERs), administrative remarks, punitive letters, etc.
Competency/Specialty Data: Data related to particular professional accomplishments or skill
Education Data: Data related to civilian education currently captured in the Record of
Professional Development; includes degrees awarded, and standardized test scores, etc.
POLICY. The following outlines portions of the record and matters of record that promotion or
special boards may view. If the specific form or data set is not set forth in this Instruction, it shall
be masked from view of the members during a particular board.
Unless essential to the purpose of a special board, it is Coast Guard policy that the following
data sets shall not be provided to officer promotion boards: Personal Demographic