COMDTINST 12713.13
25 SEP 1992
Participate with district commanders and commanding officers of headquarters
units in carrying out their affirmative employment responsibilities (commanding
officers of maintenance and logistics commands only);
Collect and maintain internal and external applicant flow data to evaluate the
quantity and quality of minorities and women applying for Coast Guard jobs
(commanding officers of maintenance and logistics commands, CG Headquarters
and CG Yard only);
Evaluate subordinate managers and supervisors on their individual performance
in providing affirmative employment customer support, when applicable, to
districts and headquarters units (commanding officers of maintenance and
logistics commands only).
Coast Guard Managers and Supervisors of Civilian Employees. Managers and
supervisors of civilian employees at all organizational levels will:
Participate in the planning, development and implementation of affirmative
employment goals and strategies to correct civilian work force imbalances in
their respective organizations;
Participate in the implementation of innovative internal employee development
and recruitment strategies designed to accomplish organizational goals;
Make internal decisions that positively impact organizational goals.
ACTION. Commanding Officer, CG Headquarters, district commanders, and commanding
officers of maintenance and logistics commands and headquarters units shall comply with all
applicable provisions of this instruction.