Enclosure (4) to COMDTINST 12550.4I
Reimbursable Overtime for Pollution Responses.
Management and Control. During an incident, the On Scene Coordinator (OSC) is the
direct manager of all resources being used in the pollution removal or response effort. The
OSC has great latitude under the various laws and the National Contingency Plan (40 CFR
300) to employ whatever Federal, State, or private personnel and equipment are necessary
to rapidly address the incident. In the Coast Guard, pre-designated OSC's are the
Commanding Officers of Marine Safety Offices and Captains of the Port (COTP).
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) OSC's are assigned to EPA Regional Offices, and
may also request CG support, through the district commander (m). OSC's manage civilian
overtime no different than all other obligations incurred during an incident.
Approval. The OSC is the approving official for overtime in pollution incidents.
In the event the OSC is from an agency other than the Coast Guard:
The Coast Guard civilian employee's supervisor may be the approving official,
so long as the supervisor ensures that the overtime has been authorized by the
OSC and funding has been set aside from the authorized ceiling for the removal
or response, and
The supervisor shall coordinate such actions with the district commander (mep).
Documentation Required. Approved overtime must be documented in both the incident
records, to reflect the obligation and costs of the overtime, and in the civilian pay system, to
ensure personnel are in fact paid and that a record of the amount required for reimbursement
is maintained.
Incident Documentation. The OSC is required by National Pollution Funds Center
(NPFC) policies and procedures to document all costs incurred during the response,
including civilian overtime. The OSC shall use existing form CG-5136B,
PERSONNEL to document government employee costs for each incident. This form
reflects total hours, by employee, by day, and provides sufficient detail to verify
overtime for any given day for every civilian Coast Guard employee working under
the direction of the OSC.