Enclosure (1) to COMDTINST 11103.1B
Closed circuit television monitor systems may be installed when the need is identified in
a force-protection threat assessment.
Mailboxes, house plaques, and numbers should be installed in accordance with U.S.
Postal Service standards and other design standards. House plaques should be re-usable
and made of durable materials.
The facility may have a flag stanchion attached to the exterior of the residence, or
consideration should be given to residential scale, freestanding flagpoles.
Interior Guidelines:
To accommodate the variety of social functions that flag officers are expected to host, special
consideration must be afforded relative to storage, food preparation, dining space, temperature
control, lighting and air circulation. The entertainment area of the facility is that area of the
Representational Facility intended to accommodate public rather than private entertainment.
Included are:
Entrance foyer
Living room(s)
Dining room
Family room or den
Powder room
Kitchen areas
Storage areas (pantry)
Connecting hallway
Special allowance items authorized to Representational Facilities include linens, dishware,
glassware, silver, kitchen utensils, and certain appliances. These items are covered thoroughly in
Enclosure 3.
General Standards:
Each Representational Facility shall accommodate cable television, telephone service,
and appropriate direct connectivity for the Coast Guard's standard computer workstation.
The facility shall have three (3) common telephone lines for military use only: 1) Fax