Enclosure (1) to COMDTINST 11103.1B
Responsible stewardship of Representational Facilities extends to protecting the environment by
balanced cost-effective approach in conserving natural resources, reducing maintenance
requirements, reducing wastes, using recycled materials, and employing the latest
environmentally responsible technology. The goal of sustainability is to ensure the best fit of the
built environment with the natural environment.
Force Protection:
Representational Facilities may require renovations or improvement projects to address concerns
raised by local threat assessments. The servicing maintenance command will notify residents of
such alterations as required.
Exterior Guidelines:
Grounds Maintenance:
The exterior of the Representational Facility plays a major role in establishing the proper Coast
Guard image. The facility and its immediate area should project a unified and coherent design,
be aesthetically pleasing, and have a look that is compatible with the local community and
environment. For specifics information regarding budgetary expenses for grounds maintenance
refer to Enclosure 3.
The Coast Guard will provide for grounds care. The servicing maintenance command
will establish a lawn, tree, and shrub maintenance standard and approved plant list. This
information will be included in the Resident's Guide.
Sprinkler systems are not generally viewed as a standard system for most homes.
However, for those Representational Facilities located in an area where sprinkler systems
are a typical private-sector residential construction standard, and where the system will
provide protection to the landscape at an overall cost savings, the Coast Guard will
provide for their installation and maintenance.
When self-help projects are planned, plants recommended for use in landscaping are
those that are hardy, indigenous to the area, and do not require excessive maintenance,
such as constant trimming or pruning, or excessive watering.
If it is the desire of the Representational Facility occupants to landscape, the Coast Guard
will fund the purchase of perennials, grass seed or sod, landscaping timbers, pavers and
stone, and other appropriate materials. If annuals are desired, it will be at the discretion
of the occupant to purchase.
Major landscaping projects and plantings, especially through self-help efforts, should be
coordinated with the Special Command Aide, associated facilities maintenance
command, and civil engineering unit. Refer to the Self-Help division of the Handbook
Section of the Resident's Guide for specific guidelines.