Enclosure (1) to COMDTINST 11103.1B
Expectation and Performance
Residents of a Representational Facility have certain expectations regarding the manners and
methodologies by which their residence is maintained. Additionally, they may expect certain
facility requirements to be met and specific standards to be followed. Likewise, it is essential to
balance reasonable cost, personal life style, quality, and service with the stewardship of
taxpayers' expectations. As such, the residents of Representational Facilities will be expected to
perform certain functions and fill specific roles.
What the Resident May Expect:
The Coast Guard is committed to providing the best, most prompt, and unobtrusive management
service possible. Recent changes to the Representational Facilities (previously Flag Quarters)
program have clarified the roles and responsibilities of Special Command Aides (formerly Flag
Quarters Manager), simplified procurement procedures, and defined the
maintenance/management process for residents of Representational Facilities by providing each
with a Resident's Guide. The Resident's Guide is a completely user-friendly handbook full of
useful information about the facility and surrounding community ranging from emergency