Encl. (1) to COMDTINST 7220.39
six-calendar-month period for meeting the 24-hour
flight requirement under paragraph 9.a.(5)(b) above.
During this six-calendar-month period, HDIP or monthly
ACIP may be paid as long as the member remains on the
same flight orders under which the six-calendar-month
period began (members remain in a CAIP status). If the
member's flight orders terminate before the expiration
of the six-calendar month period, the 24-hour flight
requirement is reduced by the appropriate fraction for
each day that the period is less than six months (see
enclosure (5)).
Determination of a three-calendar-month period ("grace"
period). "Grace" periods do not apply to members issued
periodic flight orders.
When a "grace" period starts and ends. The "grace"
period in which flight requirements must be met begins with
the first month in which flight requirements are not met. If
the member flies enough time in the second month to cover the
first and second months, the "grace" period ends with the
second month. If not, the "grace" period extends through the
third month.
Deficiencies for a fraction of a month. If a member
fails to qualify for a fraction of a month because the member's
flight orders did not began on the first day of the month,
the fraction of the first calendar month is treated as the
first month of the "grace" period. The "grace" period ends
with one of the next two calendar months as described in
paragraph 9.b. (1) above. Example: A member is
issued continuous crew member flight orders commencing 20
April. The member does not earn any flight time during the
period 20-30 April. April is the first month of the "grace"
period. If the member earns 5.4 hours of flight time during
May, the member will meet the flight time requirements of
the first two months of the "grace" period (see paragraph
9.c.(3) below). If the member earns less than 5.4 hours in
May, the "grace" period continues into the third month (June).
When the next "grace" period starts. A new "grace"
period starts with the first month in which flight
requirements are not met following a month (or fraction of
a month if the first month of a set of flight orders) in
which flight requirements are met. For a new "grace" period
to begin immediately after a prior "grace" period, flight
requirements must have been met for the entire prior "grace"
period, not merely for the last month of the prior "grace"
period. If the requirements for the entire prior "grace"
period were not met, the next "grace" period does not begin
until flight requirements are met for at least one month
after the prior "grace" period. See enclosure (6) for examples.
Entitlement to HDIP or monthly ACIP when less than 4 hours of
aerial flight are performed in the first month of a "grace" period.
Excess flight time from previous months may be carried forward
into a "grace" period. Excess flight time may only be carried
backward in a "grace" period if the requirements of paragraphs 9.a.
(1) (b) and 9.a. (1) (c) above are met. Unless specifically
stated in an example, the examples below assume no excess flight
time from previous months is