Encl. (1) to COMDTINST 7220.39
Aviation mishap. Any mishap in which a member who is
required to participate in frequent and regular aerial flight is
injured or otherwise incapacitated as the result, as determined by
appropriate medical authority, of an aviation flight mishap or
aviation flight-related mishap, as defined in Article 2-K-1 of
reference (f). This does not include an injury or incapacitation
resulting from an aviation ground mishap, as defined in Article 2-K-1
of reference (f).
Crew member. An officer or enlisted member who is physically
qualified for flying duty in accordance with reference (e) and who is
designated or in training to be designated to serve in one or more
flightcrew positions in accordance with Chapter 4 of reference (c).
Noncrew member. An officer or enlisted member, other than a
crew member, who is physically qualified for flying duty in accordance
with reference (e) and who is ordered to duty involving flying to
perform in flight a function for which qualified and which directly
contributes to an essential element of the aircraft's flying mission
and can not be performed by the aircraft's assigned crew members.
Technical observer flight orders issued prior to the effective date of
This Instruction must be reviewed for compliance with this noncrew
Member criteria and either terminated or reissued as noncrew member
Flight orders as appropriate.
Passenger. Any individual transported on a military, Government or
nongovernment aircraft who is not participating in the flight as a
crew member or noncrew member. Note that for flight pay purposes,
mission essential members who are not performing a function in flight
are considered passengers. Examples include members being transported
to perform aircraft or ATON repair at a remote ground site and spare
crew members while not performing a crew member function in flight.
Flying status. A member is in a flying status when that
member could and would fly if ordered to do so. Flying status is
specifically determined by a member's documented medical fitness to
fly, documented qualifications to fly, and willingness to fly. A
member does not have to be under flight orders or in an aviation
incentive pay status to be in a flying status. Coast Guard aviators
and enlisted members in aviation ratings are assumed to be in a flying
status unless specifically removed. All other members are considered
to be in a flying status after they have met the physical requirements
of reference (e) for flying duty and have been issued flight orders to
perform an in-flight function for which they are qualified.
Flight orders. Orders issued by competent authority in
accordance with paragraphs 2 and 5 below that require a member to
participate in regular and frequent aerial flights as a crew member or
noncrew member. The purpose of issuing flight orders is to entitle an
eligible member to either HDIP or ACIP. Members may be required to
participate in infrequent flight without being issued flight orders.
Aviation Incentive Pay Status. A member, other than a member
entitled to ACIP, who is issued orders by competent authority that
require participation in frequent and regular aerial flight is in an