Encl. (1) to COMDTINST 7132.5
General. The District Budget Model is the first significant effort to quantify the AFC-30
budgets of the 10 districts using an objective standards based methodology. It accomplishes
this by assigning a funding standard to all of the various assets and services within a district.
The summation of the funding for each standard determines the appropriate funding level for
the district. Incremental or decremental changes to a district's assets or service requirements
ideally will cause an associated incremental or decremental change in the funding level of that
district in accordance with the applicable standard. The Model represents the most in-depth
analysis ever conducted of the recurring funding provided to the districts. The Model
addresses recurring AFC-30 funding only and does not address nonrecurring funding such as
energy, wage grade, and funding provided on a onetime basis from HQ program managers.
Model Description. The Model was developed using three funding areas: (1) assets (e.g.,
boats, aircraft, vehicles and ships), (2) services/requirements (e.g., telecommunications,
operational travel) and (3) district unique (e.g., leases, D8 offshore helo contract and D14 dive
teams). Enclosure (2) provides a more in-depth description of these funding areas and the
algorithm used.