22 DEC 1992
The cost of the eyewear will be cost shared between the Coast Guard and the member.
The Coast Guard will apply the amount it would have paid for government issue
eyewear (.00 for single vision lenses and .00 for multi-vision lenses) toward the
cost of the contemporary eyewear. The member's cost share, approximately .00 to
.00 depending on options, is the difference between the Coast Guard's cost share and
the price of the eyewear.
For members who prefer not to opt for contemporary eyewear, standard and
nonstandard eyewear will continue to be provided without cost to the member.
medically indicated conditions, polar operation eyewear, and both prescription and non-
prescription safety eyewear shall continue to be procured from government sources of
supply, or commercial vendors as appropriate, without cost to the members as per
references (a) and (b).
Coast Guard clinics and other selected sites have been issued a display sample of
contemporary eyewear frames, a UNICOR Optics catalog with a current price list,
including options (tints, bi-focals, tri-focals, etc.) and UNICOR Optics prescription
ordering forms (FPI 54). The display sample frames shall be maintained at clinics and
be made available for members use. Clinics shall also maintain supplies of UNICOR
Optics forms and catalogs and shall fit the eyewear members receive from UNICOR
Active duty members are authorized to procure, on a cost shared basis, two pair of
contemporary prescription eyewear during a two-year period. Contemporary eyewear
may be ordered more frequently if a significant change occurs in the member's vision.
Members with a current refraction may report to any Coast Guard clinic to choose a
frame, be properly fitted and complete a contemporary eyewear ordering form.
Members unable to visit a Coast Guard clinic may contract a clinic to request
appropriate sections of the UNICOR Optics catalog and contemporary eyewear ordering
forms. When completing the contemporary eyewear ordering form, enter the following
in the CUSTOMER (BILL TO:) section:
Commandant (G-KRM-1), U.S. Coast Guard
Washington, DC 20593-0001