record location will be provided to the VA Records Management Center, St. Louis, MO, for
future locator service and retrieval purposes); and
(6) Appoint a VBA representative to assist the Command on all issues relating to the program.
c. As delineated in the CG/VBA BDDP MOA (see enclosure (2) for additional details), the
Veterans Benefits Administration Regional Office (VBARO) shall:
(1) Participate in scheduled pre-separation events conducted at the separation site [e.g.
Transition Assistance Program (TAP) workshop orientations, pre-separation and pre-
retirement briefings];
(2) Provide counseling services, to include: VA benefits information, claims assistance, and
scheduled office hours at the separation site, to separating Coast Guard members within 90
180 days of release from active duty;
(3) Provide necessary services to begin vocational rehabilitation process for eligible separating
service members;
(4) Prepare a formal rating decision, an award or disallowance of benefits, and written
notification to the separating Coast Guard service member within 15 days of receipt of the
Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty, the DD-214, the completed medical
records and associated paperwork; and
(5) Appoint a POC to coordinate the role of the VBARO in implementation and conduct of the
Pre-Discharge Examination Program.
6. OTHER PROVISIONS. Point of contact for policy issues concerning this Instruction is G-WKH at
(202) 267-0748.
considerations were examined in the development of this Instruction and have been determined to be
not applicable.
8. FORMS/REPORTS. Forms DD-2808, Report of Medical Examination, and DD-2807-1, Report of
Medical History, are controlled by the Department of Defense (DOD). These forms are available at: