Enclosure (1) to COMDTINST 6010.18A
The Medical Manual now requires that all patients who undergo a Pap smear, biopsy, or
mammogram ordered by the clinic be notified of the results. CLAMS can help with this. In
addition to the line-through step described above, indicate that results were normal/acceptable (i.e.,
negative) and no follow up is needed by placing a minus sign ( '-' ) in a circle to the left of the item.
Indicate that the results were not acceptable (i.e., positive) or that follow-up activity is required by
placing a plus sign ( '+' ) in a circle to the right of the item.
Personalized notification letter - Based on the results of the Pap smear, biopsy, or mammogram,
CLAMS will print a letter addressed to the patient (the letter templates are included with the data
base). A practitioner may prefer to telephone the patient directly for notification. If so, note on the
report this method was used and discard the CLAMS-generated letter.