Enclosure (1) to COMDTINST 6010.18A
ENCLOSURE - Lab and x-ray - use numbers to indicate
quantities of Status tests performed. Keep in mind:
- an SMAC-24 is 1 test, not 24
- a CBC is 1 test
- a routine & microscopic urinalysis is
- 1 test
- each exposure is 1 x-ray
- culture is 1 test
- sensitivity is 1 test, etc.
ENCLOSURE - Health benefits advice by itself does not constitute
Status an OPV. However, it is work, and facilities should Profile
account for time expended. For episodes of health benefits advice (by
telephone or in person) lasting more than three minutes, the advisor
will enter his/her initials in the box provided.
There is no block for prescription count. Prescription counts will be
automatically tallied by the pharmacy module of CLAMS. Patients
using the pharmacy only (outside Rx or a refill) do not need to fill out
a Visit Profile sheet, except for their first visit when you will need all
the information. If for some reason you are not using CLAMS for this
purpose, you will be prompted to enter your total number of
prescriptions filled when you are printing the HSSR.
Note: Immunizations and EKGs are no longer counted.
ENCLOSURE - Check the NON-OPV box if no aspect of medical
or dental Status care meets the criteria for an OPV. If you check
Profile NON-OPV, do not enter OPV caregiver(s) initials.