Guidance to the Coast Guard concerning resuscitative medicine training programs
(i.e., Basic Life Support, Advanced Cardiac Life Support, and Pediatric Advanced
Life Support) registration requirements, quality assurance, and equipment;
Appointment of Resuscitative Medicine Training Program Affiliate Faculty
Members upon request of the Coast Guard (Units listed in enclosure (1) of the
MOU will be provided a MTN Administrative Handbook for Resuscitative
Medicine and application procedures for affiliate faculty membership). After
application, the Coast Guard practitioner shall forward a copy of the MTN
approved affiliate faculty membership credential to Commandant (G-WKH-2),
Quality Assurance Division for the practitioner credential file (PCF).
Verification and authorization of Coast Guard affiliation with the MTN;
And consultative services concerning educational methodologies.
These services will be funded by Commandant (G-WKH) annually on a recurring basis
at a fixed-fee-for-service through a Military Interagency Procurement Request (MIPR)
made payable to MTN. Travel cost associated with resuscitative training must be
provided by the member's command.
Director of Health and Safety
Encl. (1) MOU between the United States Coast Guard and the United States Department of
Defense, Uniformed Service University School of Health Sciences, Military Training
Non-Standard Distribution:
C:a North Bend (2); Cape Cod, Miami, Borinquen, Traverse City (2); Clearwater; Astoria (2)
C:b Port Angles, Sitka (2)
C:d San Juan only
C:i St. Petersburg, Port Isabel, Sabine, Port O'Conner, Rockland, Grand Isle, Venice, Duluth, Ft.
Macon only
C:k Miami Beach, Boston, New Orleans, Seattle, San Pedro, Honolulu (2);,Portsmouth, Elizabeth
City, Alameda, (4); Kodiak, Ketchikan (4)
D:j Pensacola only