Enclosure (1) to COMDTINST 5760.12
Process to Capture, Review, Prioritize and Report CG
Foundation Special Projects
CG Units submit an SSMR, formal letter, or a direct CEDS-NT
project request for CG Foundation Special projects to servicing
CEU's or HQ-unit FE's.
CEU's or HQ-unit FE's will review special projects for cost,
technical scope, facility compatibility, follow-on maintenance,
etc. and coordinate project revisions if necessary.
Foundation Special projects will be entered on the CEDS-NT
backlog by CEU's or HQ-unit FE's with applicable data fields,
coded as fund type "CGF".
In June/July of each year, Districts will solicit for Foundation
projects (Special and Evergreen), provide funding criteria, and
reinforce the Foundation project submittal process.
Districts and HQ-unit CO's will prioritize and review Foundation
Special projects on the CEDS-NT backlog annually at the 4th
Quarter POP board (approximately August of each year).
In September of each year, G-SEC will centrally query
CEDS-NT for Foundation Special projects, and provide a
prioritized project report to G-CV.
Once G-SEC is notified of Foundation Special project
selection, projects will be tasked to CE field units and follow-on
OE support funding will be requested via the RP process.
Specific Foundation projects selected for funding will have
progress tracked on CEDS-NT. Project progress reports are
available from G-SEC upon request.
CEU's or HQ-unit FE's will plan, design and execute Foundation
Special (shore facility) projects and provide funds accountability
to G-SEC and consolidate reports for G-CV or assist the CG
Foundation in delivering a completed facility