Encl. (2) to COMDTINST 5512.10
Item 8:
EXPIRATION DATE" - Enter a maximum of 4 years from the date of verification of
the DD Form 1172, the Reserve sponsor's expiration of service date, or the dependent
child's 21st birthday, whichever occurs first. Use 4 digit year, 3 character month, 2
digit day format (YYYYMMMDD). (Use no more than 9 characters).
Item 9:
"SIGNATURE" - Each recipient must sign this block. If any recipient is incapable of
signing, incapacitating permanent (incp) or incapacitating temporary (inct) should be
indicated in this block.
Item 10a:
"SPONSOR GRADE AND NAME" - Enter the correct pay grade, as prescribed in
block 6, and sponsor's name (Last, First, MI).
Item 10b: "SPONSOR SOCIAL SECURITY NO." - Enter the sponsor's
SSN as prescribed in block 3 of DD Form 1172. Example: 000 00 0000.
Item 10c:
"SPONSOR SERVICE" - Enter the correct organization the sponsor is affiliated with
from the valid abbreviations listed for Block 5 of DD Form 1172. Example: USCG for
U.S. Coast Guard Reserve.
Item 10d: "SPONSOR STATUS" - Enter the correct abbreviation for the status of the sponsor
listed in Block 4 of DD Form 1172. Example: RES for all Reserve categories.
Item 11:
"PLACE OF ISSUE" - Enter district and number, issuing facility, city and state.
Item 12:
"DATE OF ISSUE" - Enter year, month, date using 4 digit year, 3 character month, 2
digit day format (YYYYMMMDD). (Use no more than 9 characters).
Item 13:
"SIGNATURE OF ISSUING OFFICER" - The verifying official must sign this
block. (Signature required). No other individual shall sign for the verifying official.
Item 14:
"CARD NUMBER" - The serial number assigned by the initial issuing activity has
been printed on the card in this block. No additional information is required.