Guard vessels, shore facilities, and privately-owned vehicles parked on
government owned or leased parking lot are specifically included in this order.
"authorized" if possession is in strict compliance with all applicable weapons
The possession of an unauthorized firearm or other dangerous weapons aboard a
federal facility, government owned or leased vessel, government owned or
leased vehicle or any other area in which Coast Guard or other federal
employees are regularly present for the purpose of performing their official
duties, shall be punishable as a violation of a punitive general order under article
92(1), UCMJ, 10 U.S.C. 892(1). A violation of Article 92(1), UCMJ, 10
U.S.C. 892(1) carries a maximum punishment of a dishonorable discharge,
forfeiture of all pay and allowances, and confinement for 2 years.
Reporting Process. Personnel who have been physically assaulted or subjected to
threats of physical harm in the workplace, who know of violence or threats against
other members or employees, who know personnel who have unauthorized firearms or
other dangerous weapons at the workplace, or who have damaged property in a
violent fashion or threatened destruction of property must immediately report the
incidents should be reported through the chain of command, however, circumstances
may require other action. If you experience or observe violent or threatening
behavior, first secure your own safety and then:
Emergency Situation
Call the local emergency number (usually 911), the facility's security force,
or your appropriate CGIS Office if the situation requires the immediate
assistance of medical or law enforcement personnel, or
Notify your supervisor or, if not available, someone higher in the chain of
Non-emergency Situation
Notify your supervisor or, if not available, someone higher in the chain of
command, or
Notify CGIS, Security Officer, Personnel Officer, Chaplain or other person
in a position to report the incident to the proper official within the unit's
chain of command.
Unit Action. After becoming aware of a violent, potentially violent, or threatening
work related situation, the command responsible for security must promptly address
the situation. The severity of the situation will dictate the proper course of action (see
end 1, U.S. Department of Transportation, "A Supervisors Guide, When You Are
Confronted With Violence, Threats or Any Inappropriate Behaviors"). Situation of
violence or threatening behavior shall be handled in the following manner: