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Enlisted Individual Development Plan (IDP) User Guide
The supervisor is to have their first formal IDP review and
counseling session no later than 30 days from the first-termer's
arrival. Written documentation of the session is to be made in Tab
2, the Counseling Session Worksheet, and in TMT.
The IDP process is voluntary but highly recommended for all other
enlisted personnel. Follow your command's procedures for IDPs.
Use this IDP guide and form to begin the process.
Step One: Assess your competencies. There are different ways to
Step One:
assess your personality, interests, knowledge, skills, and abilities.
Assess your
For first-termers, much of this will be done with your supervisor. For
competencies and
experienced members, the Coast Guard has support personnel in
seek out resources
place to assist with your assessment. These support personnel can
and support
provide information on available professional development,
educational, and training resources and other related services. They
can also direct you to learning activities that may include formal
training, a developmental assignment, on the job training, books to
read, etc. They can even work with you to link the appropriate
developmental activity to the competency and goal.
Yourself: To conduct a self-assessment, start by listing your
Conducting a
knowledge, skills, and abilities. You can determine what they are by
reviewing current and prior job performance and experience,
training, education, and developmental activities to identify the
knowledge, skills, and abilities you have. This background review
provides concrete information regarding current abilities, strengths,
and skills. Specifically, review your records in Direct Access, CG
Central (My Workspace: Career Management: Enlisted), TMT, and
local Training Records; performance evaluations (found in Direct
Access); and any information about significant past training and
other developmental activities.
Education Services Officer (ESO): Full-time ESOs are located at
ESO services
every Integrated Support Command (ISC), Sector, Training Center,
and various other units. All units have an individual who serves as a
part-time ESO. An ESO can provide information on various
educational opportunities. For example, an ESO can assist with
college enrollment, counsel you on non-traditional education
programs, guide you in completing a Tuition Assistance form, help
in locating scholarships or loans, assist in enrolling in college video
and audio courses, and administer or arrange for the administration
of all DANTES sponsored examinations.
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