Enclosure (5) to COMDTINST 5354.6A
The Coast Guard will pay the full tuition for one academic year at an HBCU for cadet
candidates accepted in the program. The Coast Guard will pay for textbooks and appropriate
academic fees, such as laboratory and athletic activity fees. The student customarily pays
some fees, such as student activity fees. Details of allowable fees and methods of payment or
reimbursement will be given during Orientation.
Cadet candidates occupy normal on-campus dormitory housing, except only cadet candidates
who live nearby, who may choose to reside at home. In either case, the Coast Guard pays the
(VHA), and Basic Allowance for Subsistence (BAS) at the normal rates. Cadet candidates pay
their room and board expenses from the earned allowances.
The Coast Guard pays transportation costs for any required Coast Guard travel, including a
round trip to the Academy for CGRIT Orientation and limited but reasonable travel associated
with academic studies. Normal commuting is the cadet candidate's responsibility.
The Coast Guard pays each cadet candidate at the normal rate for an enlisted person in
paygrade E-2. In 1996, an E-2 earned a base pay of 0.70 per month; some additional
allowances also apply to food, housing, etc. Base pay is taxable income; the cadet candidate
should exercise prudent citizenship in paying applicable state and federal income taxes. Pay
also is subject to FICA taxes. Most active duty personnel opt for the maximum SGLI life
insurance; these and other Service details will be covered during the CGRIT Orientation.
New Coast Guard members recognize that their primary focus must be on developing
themselves in their new profession. Therefore, CGRIT cadet candidates must obtain approval
from the Director, Coast Guard Recruiting Center before accepting additional employment.
Many successful students apply for and receive multiple grants and scholarships. To the extent
allowed by law, cadet candidates may continue to accept multiple scholarships and grants
while attending their HBCU, but must abide by rules affecting all federal employees. Cadet
candidates may accept grants or scholarships of up to 0. If the value of the grant or
scholarship is more than 0, they must provide a list of this additional income to the
Director, CGRC, to seek legal review of the propriety of accepting. In some cases, the
Director may require a cadet candidate to refuse a grant or scholarship and will provide a full
explanation if this occurs. Decisions will be based on the Standards of Ethical Conduct for
Employees of the Executive Branch, 5 CFR. Part 2635.
The Coast Guard pays for required textbooks. Textbooks are consumable items, effectively
used up at the end of the semester. After use, they belong to the CGRIT student, who can
choose to keep or dispose of them accordingly.