Enclosure (4) to COMDTINST 5354.6A
to advise the Coast Guard of all grants or scholarships exceeding 0, request disposition
instructions, and keep or decline them as the Coast Guard determines;
to comply with CGRIT Program rules and obey Coast Guard representatives' orders;
to complete my application for admission to the Coast Guard Academy by the prescribed
deadline; and
m. to accept an appointment to the Coast Guard Academy, if tendered, after successfully
completing one year at a participating college or university and remain at the Academy at
least through the end of the second semester of my fourth class year.
I further understand that I may not compete for enlisted advancement during my enrollment in
the CGRIT Program, and, if offered an appointment, that I will be appointed to the paygrade of
cadet on admission to the Coast Guard Academy.
I further understand that if the Coast Guard determines I have breached any obligations set
forth in this Statement of Understanding, the Coast Guard may transfer me from my current
assignment and duty station to recruit training and thence reassign me to a Coast Guard unit to
complete my two-year active-duty obligation in an enlisted status. If I fail to complete the
specified period of active duty service, I may be required to reimburse the Coast Guard for the
cost of my education at the HBCU pursuant to the provisions of Title 10, United States Code,
section 2005.
I further understand that, if and when I successfully complete the four-year education and
professional training at the Coast Guard Academy, I will be discharged from my enlisted status