15 MAY 1988
Automated Information System. An Automated Information System (AIS) is defined as:
the resources (hardware, software, etc.) and automated procedures which process (i.e.,
collect, store, update) data to transform it into information to support one or more
automated data processing, and associated activities.
Early Involvement In Planning Stage. The early involvement of Commandant(G-TIS) in
the planning stage will increase the likelihood that the resulting system avoids the pitfalls
identified above, expedites AIS procurement and system implementation, and ensures
compatibility with other efforts in order to achieve systems integration.
Relation To Other Directives. (Notifications or AIS Proposals submitted to
Commandant(G-TIS) under this instruction replace the ten-step justification required by
reference (a). However the following directives must still be consulted:
Final Commandant(G-TIS) approval is required by reference (b) before release of
Standard Terminal software by Headquarters Program Managers.
Approval of an AIS Proposal does not provide acquisition approval unless
specifically stated. Reference (c) remains the basic delegation of authority for
acquisition of IRM systems. Acquisition authority does not provide an exemption
from the AIS planning requirements established in this instruction.
Submission of an AIS Proposal to Commandant(G-TIS) ensures the system will be
reviewed for inclusion in reference (d), the CG Automated Data Processing Plan.
A comprehensive CG AIS Plan is the key to obtaining DOT, OMB and
Congressional budget support. The content and format of the ADP Plan is under
revision and will be republished as the CG Information Systems Architecture and
Master Plan.
Relation to Budget Process. The requirement for an AIS Proposal is in addition to
requirements for submission of budget requests as part of the CG Programming and
Budgeting System. However, all AIS requiring a budget request to Commandant(G-CCS)
will normally meet the criteria for an AIS Proposal.